Bang On Records Voice Lessons and Guitar Lessons

April 2018 Vlog Blog

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What Are The Best Vocal Care Products For Singers?

Dominique Gizelle provides an overview on which ones you need and why you need them.

There are a lot of vocal health care products available and a great need for products by singers, performers and even professional speakers. As a singer, there are so many things that can impact your voice and cause you to have difficulty on any given day when you have to perform, sing or speak and we all become desperate to find something that will help. Although there is no magic formula available that will fix your voice in every situation, there are a number of products that I use, my students use and that we have experience with that can help.

This should not be considered medical advice. Any vocal health care concerns you have, should definitely be addressed with your doctor, especially concerning any medications you may be taking or allergic reactions you may have. These products are all available over the counter and for the most part are all natural products. I like natural products because I find that they to work quickly, effectively and without drying and harsh side effects. So, check out the video for a full run down of products.

If you find this video helpful, please “Like” it, comment to let me know how it worked for you and “Share” it with anyone you know who you think may benefit from it as well. As always, if you have any questions regarding this or any other video feel free to contact me via by website .

Happy Singing!

Dominique Gizelle
The Vocal Troubleshooter

Products that are discussed in this video: