Bang On Records Voice Lessons and Guitar Lessons

October 2018 Vlog Blog

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How To Sing With More Emotion

A singer may be well trained and have a beautiful sounding voice yet it may not convey feeling. In order for your audience to feel the emotion of a song, you need to feel the emotion while you are performing it. This video gives you some specific ways to develop that ability and skill.

Have you ever thought about why singers are referred to as “Recording Artists” and not just vocalists or singers? What makes this art?

Art is defined as the expression of a human skill developed through practice that produces works to be appreciated for its beauty and emotional power. So, while we all have varying opinions on the art that we like, we can usually always detect the feeling or emotion that is being expressed.

This is what differentiates someone with a nice voice from someone who is an artist. A singer may be well trained and have a beautiful sounding voice yet it may not convey feeling. In order for your audience to feel the emotion of a song, you need to feel the emotion while you are performing it. This video gives you some specific ways to develop that ability and skill.

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Happy Singing!

Dominique Gizelle
The Vocal Troubleshooter