May 2018 Vlog Blog
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How To Clear Away Phlegm Or Mucus - Part 2
This is part two of an earlier video I did on clearing away the collection of mucous that builds in your throat overnight as a result of post nasal drip from seasonal allergies. This part 2 video will deal with the constant drip that occurs all day long, draining from your sinuses and nasal passages onto your throat and interfering with your vocal cord vibrations while you’re trying to sing or even speak (an obvious problem for singers). So, once you’re cleared the morning phlegm away and you’ve vocalized you have to still contend with new drip.
As mentioned in an earlier video on vocal health care products, this should not be considered to be medical advice. Any vocal health care concerns you have, should definitely be addressed with your doctor, especially concerning any medications you may be taking or allergic reactions you may have. These are suggestions based on my own experiences and the experiences of my students. As a voice teacher for many years I’ve had a lot of students who have had many varying experiences. So I will share their experiences with you as well. These are the things we have all had success with.
If you find this video helpful, please “Like” it, comment to let me know how it worked for you and “Share” it with anyone you know who you think may benefit from it as well. As always, if you have any questions regarding this or any other video feel free to contact me via by website .
Happy Singing!
Dominique Gizelle
The Vocal Troubleshooter