November 2018 Vlog Blog
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How To Deal With Negative Criticism (What You Believe About Your Voice)
Your belief system is rooted in your subconscious mind and is responsible for the reality you experience in your life, whether it’s regarding you voice or any other aspect of your reality. Your subconscious is always paying attention and will respond to the things it hears you say about your voice, so it is important that you feed it supportive and encouraging statements that will impact your belief system and voice.
This video discusses how to go about changing long held beliefs about your voice in order to allow your true voice to emerge as well as how to deal with negative criticism.
If you find this video helpful, please “Like” it, comment to let me know your thoughts on the topic “Share” it with anyone you know who you think may benefit from it as well.
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Happy Singing!
Dominique Gizelle
The Vocal Troubleshooter